Labels:text | screenshot | black | font | black and white OCR: oh cells of the Prolactin is secreted by the la s secretion, like anterior pituitary. The contr mones, is that of other anterior pituita ilike the other regulated by the hypothalam ver, the inhibition (Fig. anterior pituitary hormones hypothalamic influence is of 4.1). pothalamic The hypothalamus secretes t n:a factors to control prolactin se la prolactin prolactin-releasing factor (PR atter is almost release-inhibiting factor (PIF ine, although certainly the catecholamine oncatecholamine Ily, the possibility of the existenc PIFs cannot be excluded. Add lay a role as an y-aminobutyric acid (GABA) be one or more inhibitor, and there may wel unclear, although PIF peptides. The nature of P sing hormone it is known that thyrotrophin dates that may (TRH) can act as a PRF. Other tin include be i ...